Yestarday on march 27th i went to TEDx youth waterloo, they had many speakers from 9 year old maddie  cranston to middle weight boxing champion syd vanderpool. Many speakers and MC's kept bringing up the phrase "chasing home", what does this mean? from this trip yestarday i was able to understand that chasing home isnt something simple, you have to try and achieve what you feel is home and what makes you feel like you, weather it be something simple like finding the job of your dreams that makes you truly happy or joining a club at school you feel pationate about but were to afraid to join, but in the end it doesnt matter, if it makes you happy you should do it no matter what other people think. 
    At TEDx i heard from multiple speakers that wanted to share there stories and how they came to be who they are today. Richard mclean was one of which who share his struggles and hardships throughout his life, he was raised by a bad father and his mother had died from cancer at an early age of life, he then moved from group homes to foster homes and eventually became homeless, the loss of his sister was also a huge deal in his life and he was able to find the strength and carry on. Even after all that he was still able to find home, proving that chasing home is a struggle when you don't know what it is your chasing and like
4/1/2013 11:58:52 pm

Awesome description of chasing home. Great blog. Cant wait for more to come !


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